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Experienced Tampa Criminal Lawyer

Monthly Archives: July 2024


You Can Exercise Your Fifth Amendment Rights Even Without Pleading The Fifth Or Hearing The Miranda Warnings

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

This summer marks the 68th anniversary of Miranda v. Arizona, the Supreme Court decision where the Court ruled that police officers must notify a suspect in custody of his or her right to avoid self-incrimination before they begin questioning the suspect.  When police have arrested someone and taken him or her to the police… Read More »

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Start Your Criminal Trial Off Right With Opening Statements

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.  The past is a foreign country.  Call me Ishmael.  The first line of a book is often the most memorable part.  Who can forget the opening line of Kafka’s Metamorphosis, convoluted as its exact wording may be, in which a nebbish called… Read More »

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Turning Yourself In After An Arrest Warrant Means Facing Your Case From A Position Of Strength

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

Getting arrested at a traffic stop is scary.  It is even scarier when a police officer approaches you on foot in a public place and says that he just saw you stealing, selling drugs, or doing something else illegal.  A relentless optimist would point out that, in contrast to the aforementioned scenarios, finding out… Read More »

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Real Estate Transaction Fraud

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

If you own real estate, you have financial security that most people don’t have.  The majority of millionaires in the United States have a net worth of just over one million dollars because they bought their family home at an affordable price and paid down the mortgage, so now its value exceeds one million… Read More »

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