Monthly Archives: February 2025

You Are Innocent Until Proven Guilty, Even If The Charges Are For Sex Crimes
If you get accused of a crime in the United States, you have the right to the presumption of innocence and to due process of law. This is true regardless of your immigration status, the crime for which you are facing accusations, and the apparent strength of the prosecution’s evidence against you. Some criminal… Read More »

Medetomidine And Your Florida Drug Case
One of the most fun things you can do while high on weed is sit around and reminisce with your friends about all the things the teachers of your drug education course got wrong about drugs and how self-assured they sounded about it all. If you graduated from high school before the COVID-19 pandemic… Read More »

Giving Advice Can Be Part Of A Drug Trafficking Conspiracy
Most of the legal drugs mentioned at indictments, arraignments, and criminal trials are legal in some circumstances. Schedule I drugs, such as heroin and MDMA, are always illegal, but the other four schedules of controlled substances include pharmaceutical drugs that are medically useful enough to have legally approved medical applications but dangerous enough that… Read More »

Is Fentanyl Finally Loosening Its Grip On Florida?
If you need evidence that times change, think about the things that people feared a generation ago, or even more. In the 1980s, schools received a windfall of funding to ensure that children were terrified of crack cocaine; in those days, HIV was the deadliest disease one could imagine, even though the stereotypes about… Read More »