Author Archives: Jay Butchko

What Is Money Laundering And Wire Fraud?
Last week in California, a federal jury found a former Netflix Vice President guilty of money laundering and fraud. Defendant Michael Kail allegedly secured lucrative contracts for stock options, kickbacks and additional monies from tech start-up companies in exchange for deals with Neftlix. Kail accepted bribes in excess of $500,000 for over two years,… Read More »

Florida Windshield Obstruction Laws: Know Your Rights In A Traffic Stop
In a tragic turn of events, police in Minnesota fatally shot Daunte Wright only weeks ago, during the George Floyd trial. Officers state a traffic stop was made because of air fresheners hanging in his rearview mirror and because of expired license tags. After reviewing his name, police learned of his misdemeanor warrant and… Read More »

Consequences For Unlawful Possession Of Firearms In Florida
A previously convicted felon is released on parole after serving ten years hard labor in prison. Upon release, he is invited to go sport hunting with friends. On the way home from their excursion, police make a traffic stop for speeding. He is asked to show identification, and police determine he is a convicted… Read More »

Mother Charged With Cyber Crimes After Altering Homecoming Results
Yesterday in Escambia County, police arrested a mother and her teenage daughter for hacking into a student and school accounts with authorization to do so, in an attempt to alter homecoming results in her daughter’s favor. After initial research, police who remanded the suspect to county jail determined she is a school employee at… Read More »

Don’t Risk Driving Without A License Or Insurance In The Sunshine State
Car insurance is expensive. Every time a driver receives a parking ticket, speeding citation or is involved in a collision, it’s possible that rates increase substantially. Florida drivers are also notorious for aggressive driving. Some people are tempted to drive without insurance, because what’s the worst that can happen? Driving on a suspended license,… Read More »

Plea Agreement Or Trial: What’s Appropriate For Your Case?
Last year in Florida, over 200,000 criminal defendants were arrested. Of those arrests, many cases were pled out and never went to trial. What does it mean to plead out a case? The state’s attorney or district attorney in the jurisdiction where the defendant is arrested may approach the defendant or the defendant’s attorney… Read More »

What is Spousal Privilege & How Does it Apply to Criminal Cases?
Spousal privilege is a unique device that is exclusive to married couples. In Florida, a spouse cannot be asked to testify against her spouse in a criminal proceeding, but there are exceptions to the rule. If you are facing criminal charges at the federal or state level and your spouse was not an accomplice… Read More »

Covid-19 Vaccines: Wait Your Turn or Face Criminal Charges
Recently in Tampa, Florida, an emergency medical technician recently honored as “paramedic of the year” was arrested and charged with forgery, uttering a false instrument, falsifying a public record, creating a fictitious person, and criminal use of personal identification. Those are all felony crimes, and the defendant lied about spoiled Covid-19 vaccines when he… Read More »

Is it a Crime to Receive Stolen Goods?
Receiving stolen goods is a criminal offense in the State of Florida. To be prosecuted for receiving stolen goods, the defendant must have knowledge that the goods were stolen or illegally obtained when he or she purchased or received the items in their possession.. If you have been charged with a property crime, even… Read More »

Tampa Bay Streaker Incident : Indecent Exposure is Criminal Behavior
Tampa Bay residents and sports-lovers know that the Buccaneers won their first Super Bowl since 2003 last Sunday. They expected a great game, and the players delivered. Unfortunately, an unrelenting and shameless fan also took in the celebration but forgot his clothes in the process. The Tampa Bay Streaker was arrested in a pink… Read More »