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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


Floridians May Get A Chance To Vote For Statewide Recreational Cannabis In 2024

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

The laws about cannabis in Florida have gradually become more lenient over the past few years, to the point that, if you are graduating from high school this year, you have probably seen people smoke weed on benches near the beach plenty of times, and you probably have never seen anyone get arrested for… Read More »

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If You Are In Florida, You Are Probably In A Drug-Free Zone

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

Mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses account for many of the cases where defendants are serving long prison sentences for nonviolent crimes.  While sentencing reform and cannabis decriminalization have decreased the number of new cases that result in long prison sentences for drug crime convictions, Florida law imposes a three-year mandatory minimum prison sentence… Read More »

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Bill Regulating The Sale And Manufacture Of Kratom Awaits Governor’s Signature

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

One of the scariest moments in a drug crimes case is when the forensics lab reveals the contents of the substance it confiscated from your property.  In some cases, this is your best hope for acquittal; powders that appeared to be cocaine when tested with field tests at traffic stops have turned out, upon… Read More »

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Representing Yourself In Criminal Court Is A Terrible Idea

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

Like any true Floridian worthy of the name, you do not trust the government.  Why, then, would you place the fate of your criminal case in the hands of a public defender assigned to your case by the court, one whose meager salary is paid by taxpayers?  Isn’t a court battle between two public… Read More »

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Will The Jury Believe You That Your Ex Has Ulterior Motives For Accusing You Of Domestic Violence?

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

Accusations of domestic violence have been journalists’ bread and butter since before the word “clickbait” existed and before it was possible to access news reports through an action called clicking.  If word gets out that your ex accused you of hitting her, the court of public opinion will have a field day, and if… Read More »

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Do Teens Accused Of Violent Crimes Always Get Charged As Adults?

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

Getting arrested as a teenager and going to juvenile court is plenty scary.  For one thing, if you decide to fight your case, then the decision as to whether you get adjudicated delinquent rests entirely with the judge.  There are no jury trials in juvenile court.  While juvenile defendants have the right to hire… Read More »

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Federal Agency Designates Delta-8 THC A Controlled Substance

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

Florida fads escalate quickly; something rare, or even completely unknown, appears on the scene and then quickly becomes ubiquitous.  For example, melaleuca trees, green iguanas, the nutria, and the Cuban anole are among the introduced species that have proliferated quickly in Florida.  The Nile monitor lizard, with its insatiable appetite for alligator eggs, even… Read More »

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Will The District Attorney Decline To Prosecute Your Case?

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

In some cases, an arrest at a traffic stop changes your life forever.  You could be detained until your plea hearing, unable to produce the thousands of dollars in bail money that the state is requesting in exchange for your freedom. Then you plead guilty, because it means that you will spend only a… Read More »

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“Possession Is Nine Tenths Of The Law” Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

Some legal phrases have become part of the popular lexicon, and it is a good thing that they pop into people’s heads when they are facing criminal charges or are at risk of being charged.  You have the right to remain silent.  Innocent until proven guilty.  Reasonable doubt.  Due process of law.  You may… Read More »

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Florida Courts Can Suspend Your Driver’s License At The Drop Of A Hat

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

The weather and scenery in Florida are so beautiful that few things can spoil your good mood.  Trying to get through a day in Florida without your car is a major annoyance, though.  Think about the last time you had to go without a car for a few days, either because it was in… Read More »

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