Category Archives: Drug Crimes

Does Drug Distribution Become Homicide When Someone Suffers A Fatal Overdose?
One of the most disturbing phone calls someone can get is from a family member announcing that he or she is in police custody and is being accused of drug crimes. Sometimes the family launches into “eye of the hurricane” clarity in the midst of a cyclone of fears and worst-case scenarios. They raise… Read More »

Medetomidine And Your Florida Drug Case
One of the most fun things you can do while high on weed is sit around and reminisce with your friends about all the things the teachers of your drug education course got wrong about drugs and how self-assured they sounded about it all. If you graduated from high school before the COVID-19 pandemic… Read More »

Giving Advice Can Be Part Of A Drug Trafficking Conspiracy
Most of the legal drugs mentioned at indictments, arraignments, and criminal trials are legal in some circumstances. Schedule I drugs, such as heroin and MDMA, are always illegal, but the other four schedules of controlled substances include pharmaceutical drugs that are medically useful enough to have legally approved medical applications but dangerous enough that… Read More »

Is Fentanyl Finally Loosening Its Grip On Florida?
If you need evidence that times change, think about the things that people feared a generation ago, or even more. In the 1980s, schools received a windfall of funding to ensure that children were terrified of crack cocaine; in those days, HIV was the deadliest disease one could imagine, even though the stereotypes about… Read More »

Second Chances Shouldn’t Just Be For Rich Kids
At Thanksgiving dinner, when enough alcohol flows, the grandparents start spilling secrets about the foolish and sometimes dangerous things their children did as young adults, and the grandchildren begin to see their parents in a whole new light. 19-year-old you bears little resemblance to 40-year-old you, and 40-year-old you is probably thankful for this. … Read More »

If Gabapentin Isn’t A Controlled Substance, Is Gabapentin Abuse A Crime?
Whether a drug is listed as a controlled substance is not determined entirely by its chemical composition; it is whether federal and state authorities consider the drug dangerous enough to subject it to tighter restrictions than those surrounding most pharmaceutical drugs. If extraterrestrials were to arrive in Florida and examine the molecular structure of… Read More »

Why Worry About Mega Opioids When There Is Rhino Tranq?
Mass communication and the ease of air travel have flattened many of the differences that make each city in the world unique. You can travel almost anywhere and find kids eating some of the same packaged snack foods, cheering for the same sports teams, and laughing at the same Internet memes as the ones… Read More »

Getting Caught With Drugs Isn’t A Fluke If It Happens Multiple Times
If you get arrested for drug possession for the first time, there is still time to reverse course. Silently count the minutes until you can meet privately with a criminal defense lawyer, and then a world of possibilities will open up. The whole thing may blow over quickly; the court may simply dismiss your… Read More »

Is Medical Molly The New Medical Marijuana? Not Yet!
A certain type of entrepreneurial mind thrives on the cultivation of brand identity; there is a reason that marketing is such a popular college major. For such people, designing logos, store décor, and product names for medical cannabis dispensaries must be an endless source of inspiration, even if they have never smoked a joint… Read More »

Yes, You Can Get Pretrial Diversion For A Nonviolent Felony
If you get charged with drug possession, and you do not have a prior criminal record, you might be able to resolve your case through drug court, a pretrial diversion program where you can complete probation and drug counseling, and if you do so successfully, the court will drop your charges. What if you… Read More »