Category Archives: Federal Criminal Defense

What Determines Whether A Criminal Case Goes To Federal Court?
If you read the news carefully, you might have noticed that some people convicted of crimes serve sentences in federal prison, while others serve sentences in state prison. (Of course, there are plenty of cases where a conviction results in a sentence that does not involve prison, but those cases are less likely to… Read More »

Organized Crime And Racketeering In Tampa
Tampa has a storied past when it comes to organized crime. Despite tough racketeering laws passed during the 1970s, these same types of activities continue today. Our Tampa federal crimes lawyer explains more about Tampa’s organized crime history, common types of organized charges, and the serious penalties you could face under federal RICO laws…. Read More »

Four Factors That Increase The Risk Of Federal Drug Charges In Tampa
Facing criminal charges for any type of drug crime in Tampa is a serious matter. Law enforcement officials are vigilant in making arrests and once charged while prosecutors are dedicated to obtaining convictions. In addition to facing serious penalties under state laws, you could end up being charged with a federal crime. Experienced Tampa… Read More »

Tampa Flight To Atlanta Ends In Federal Assault Charges
Last week on board a flight from Tampa to Atlanta, a woman was arrested for federal assault charges. The defendant Cornwall refused to wear a mask on board the flight despite instructions from flight attendants. Cornwall then refused to take a seat when a beverage cart went past her and said, “What am I,… Read More »

You Received a Target Letter in the Mail: Now What?
Target letters are written memos prepared by the United States Department of Justice in advance of a criminal grand jury or investigation. If you received a target letter, it means you are the subject of a criminal investigation, may be subpoenaed, or could be named as a defendant in a federal criminal indictment. You… Read More »