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Category Archives: Sex Crimes


You Are Innocent Until Proven Guilty, Even If The Charges Are For Sex Crimes

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

If you get accused of a crime in the United States, you have the right to the presumption of innocence and to due process of law.  This is true regardless of your immigration status, the crime for which you are facing accusations, and the apparent strength of the prosecution’s evidence against you.  Some criminal… Read More »

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It Is Easier For A Registered Florida Sex Offender To Go On A Caribbean Cruise Than To Visit A Local Park And Other Little-Known Facts

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

When a judge reads out your sentence after you have pleaded guilty to a crime or been convicted at trial, the first thing most people do is to start counting the days, hours, and minutes until their sentence can be over and they can put this unpleasant experience behind them.  Anyone who has been… Read More »

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Can You Avoid Prison Time For A Sex Crime Conviction?

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

Although most communications are protected under the First Amendment right to freedom of speech, many laws are in place that prohibit people from publicly humiliating and harassing each other.  For example, creditors cannot contact you about your outstanding debts while you are at work or post publicly visible messages about your debts on social… Read More »

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Former Police Officer Sentenced To 30 Months In Prison For Possession Of Child Exploitative Images

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

Today’s teenagers know their way around cell phones, and they have since before they could talk.  When a parent gives a preteen their own phone for the first time, the exchange usually involves dire warnings about how little control you have over pictures of you once you post them online.  Of course, the worst… Read More »

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Police Officer Acquitted Of Molesting Teens After Victims Refuse To Testify

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

Many cases of sexual assault do not result in criminal cases because the victims refuse to press charges, fearing that, if they did, they would have to testify in court and face their accusers in the courtroom.  The outcome of many sex crime cases that go to trial (remember that most cases do not… Read More »

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What You Do While Out On Bond Makes All The Difference

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

Except in the case of the most heinous crimes or in situations prosecutors have sufficient evidence that you will flee or try to intimidate witnesses, there is a good chance that you will have an opportunity to post bail.  Your criminal defense lawyer can help argue for a reasonable bond amount.  While out on… Read More »

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Tampa Bay Streaker Incident : Indecent Exposure is Criminal Behavior

By Scriven Law, P.A. |

Tampa Bay residents and sports-lovers know that the Buccaneers won their first Super Bowl since 2003 last Sunday. They expected a great game, and the players delivered. Unfortunately, an unrelenting and shameless fan also took in the celebration but forgot his clothes in the process. The Tampa Bay Streaker was arrested in a pink… Read More »

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