Floridians May Get A Chance To Vote For Statewide Recreational Cannabis In 2024

The laws about cannabis in Florida have gradually become more lenient over the past few years, to the point that, if you are graduating from high school this year, you have probably seen people smoke weed on benches near the beach plenty of times, and you probably have never seen anyone get arrested for it. In Tampa, as in several other major cities and metropolitan areas in Florida, it is not a crime to possess 20 grams or less of cannabis. Statewide, you can buy cannabis products such as oil and edibles, and even marijuana leaves, as long as you have a state-issued medical cannabis card. Florida has not yet decriminalized recreational use of cannabis, though, even though several other states have. When Floridians head to the polls for the 2024 presidential election, they may get a chance to vote for or against an amendment to Florida’s Constitution that would decriminalize possession of small quantities of cannabis for recreational use. There is no guarantee that the amendment will pass, or even that voters will have a chance to vote on it this time around. At the state level, many acts involving cannabis possession remain illegal. If you are facing charges for a cannabis offense, contact a Tampa drug crime lawyer.
One Step Closer to a Ballot Question About Decriminalizing Recreational Cannabis
On most election ballots, voters simply choose the candidates they wish to elect to certain government positions. Sometimes, though, voters can vote “yes” or “no” on proposed amendments to the state constitution. Before a ballot question like this can appear on the election ballot, a certain number of people must sign petitions in favor of including the question on the ballot for the upcoming election.
The recreational cannabis amendment has already received more than 967,000, which is enough to warrant its inclusion on the ballot. The next step is for the Florida Supreme Court to review the proposed amendment. The Supreme Court will rule on whether to include the ballot question after hearing arguments in support of and in opposition to its inclusion. It is likely that Attorney General Ashley Moody will oppose the inclusion of the ballot measure, as she did in 2022, when a similar amendment decriminalizing recreational cannabis possession was proposed.
As it is currently worded, the proposed Constitutional amendment would make it legal for adults ages 21 and older to possess cannabis for recreational use as long as the amount in one person’s possession did not exceed three ounces. It would still be a crime for anyone to sell cannabis or to possess quantities greater than three ounces except when doing so on behalf of a state licensed cannabis dispensary.
Contact Tampa Criminal Defense Attorney Bryant Scriven
Florida’s current laws are not so 420 friendly. A criminal defense lawyer can help you defend yourself against allegations of illegal sale or possession of cannabis products. Contact Scriven Law in Tampa, Florida to schedule a consultation.