Why Worry About Mega Opioids When There Is Rhino Tranq?

Mass communication and the ease of air travel have flattened many of the differences that make each city in the world unique. You can travel almost anywhere and find kids eating some of the same packaged snack foods, cheering for the same sports teams, and laughing at the same Internet memes as the ones that are a ubiquitous presence in your life at home. The illegal drug supply of every metropolitan area is unique, though. Even the availability of counterfeit oxycodone on the Internet cannot create an illegal drug monoculture. Consider that PCP, which has been a drug of abuse since at least the 1970s, has only caught on in a few cities. In the past year, two new drugs have been detected in forensics labs in Florida and been implicated in overdoses. If you have been charged with possession of iso, medetomidine, or any other illegal drug that has yet to trend on Google, contact a Tampa drug crime lawyer.
Iso Is Eight Times as Strong as Fentanyl
Opioids are so called because they are similar to the psychoactive chemical compound in the opium poppy, which is the active ingredient in morphine. In recent decades, researchers have created many synthetic opioids, some of which are more medically useful than others. One category of synthetic opioids called nitazenes, some of which are hundreds of times as strong as morphine, making them even stronger than fentanyl. There are so many different types of nitazenes that only some of them have formally been listed as controlled substances, but you can still face criminal charges if you get caught with a nitazene drug that has not been listed. One of these, N-desethylisotonitazene, also known as norisotonitazene or iso, has recently been detected in drug mixtures confiscated during criminal cases in Florida. It is eight times as strong as fentanyl, meaning that a tiny grain of the powder, barely visible to the naked eye, can be lethal.
A New Veterinary Drug Has Entered Florida’s Drug Supply
Opioids, especially fentanyl mixed with less potent drugs, cause more fatal overdoses than any other type of drug, but the reassuring news is that you can reverse the effects of any opioid by administering a big enough dose of naloxone. Other central nervous system depressants are not receptive to naloxone, making them potentially deadlier in the event of an overdose. For a few years, a veterinary tranquilizer called xylazine has been showing up in drug mixtures in Florida. A mixture of xylazine and medetomidine, known as rhino tranq, has been causing overdoses in the past two years, but so far it has only turned up on forensic tests a few times. Two of those were in Florida.
Contact Tampa Criminal Defense Attorney Bryant Scriven
A criminal defense lawyer can help you if you are facing charges for possession of veterinary tranquilizers or lesser-known synthetic opioids such as iso. Contact Scriven Law in Tampa, Florida to schedule a consultation.